Sunday, September 28, 2008

Pictures! Day 03 June 13, 2008

05 this is one of the vans that the government has available for wheelchairs. The only modifications, really, are in the back, to add tie downs and, in this case, a ramp. Some of them had a lift instead of the ramp. So, yes, I did bump my head a couple of times getting in and out, and had to tip my chair backwards a little so that I wasn't rubbing my head on the roof.

But the prices! Amazingly inexpensive!

02 this palace wasn't right in the middle of downtown, so the grounds hadn't been encroached on quite as much. I think we were in the cab for about half an hour.

After we finished here, we walked for about 10 minutes to go see something (I forget what). When we got near there, there was a protest against American beef imports just starting up, so we found the subway, instead.

06 while the palace that we saw the day before was more relaxed, this one required we join one of the tours. Apparently, people were just tromping through the wooded areas, creating their own paths and causing soil erosion and damaging some of the structures.

You can see one of the wooden ramps that they've put in, way in the background.
04 here you can see some of the detail that goes on in the paint jobs in the eaves.
03 the actual entranceway to the palace complex. Again, you can see the wooden ramp in the background. On this side of the entranceway was a small park, where the tour gathered before starting.

01 the courtyard/parade grounds of this palace. It's a little older than the one we saw the day before.

1 Comment:

Cindy said...

think that painting is all hand done? Incredibly detailed and intricate!!


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